
Personal Learning Styles

Personal Learning Style Introduction As part of the module, we were tasked to complete a set of questionnaires in order to find out which type of learning styles better suit us. To be specific, there were four different questionnaires in which results showed the learning styles that we liked. These include: • VARK (Visual, Aural, Reading, and Kinesthetic) • Myers and Briggs • Belbin • Honey and Mumford VARK – Aural The main aspect of this type of questionnaire is to highlight what type of learning style does an individual prefer. This essentially resulted in different answers for different people. There is the visual learner who prefers learning different things through the aid of visuals. This means that this type of person usually takes in information via pictograms, graphs, visual demonstrations, and other forms images.  The other type of learner usually takes in information easily if someone was talking directly to them. For example, if an instruction was gi